Türkiye belediyeleri > Büyükelçilik ve Konsolosluk

Are you a citizen Türkiye residing in Endonezya, or a national of Endonezya needing to complete an administrative procedure related to Türkiye? Below we provide the contact details and basic information so you can manage your affairs. From applying for a visa, requesting consular assistance or emergency services, to receiving legal guidance and support, Embassy Türkiye in Cakarta is here to help you. This mission acts as an important diplomatic representation, fostering cooperation and understanding between Türkiye and Endonezya to improve diplomatic relations between both countries.

Endonezya Türkiye Büyükelçiliği

AdresJl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 1 Jakarta Selatan
Telefon00 62 21 525 62 50
İnternet sitesihttps://jakarta.emb.mfa.gov.tr